Monday, November 28, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Ok, Thanksgiving is officially over. Now, I can concentrate on Christmas :)

(wreath I made last year)

First, let's talk shopping. I wasn't feeling Target-lady crazy enough to hit up the stores on Black Friday, but my sis and I did go out on Saturday afternoon, and it wasn't nearly as crowded as I suspected. My mom sent us the mall with her credit cards (best. mom. everrrrr.) and let us pick out what we wanted for Christmas. I know this doesn't sound like fun, but it totally is! We have been doing this on and off for at least 12 years now...

(source: google)

I only picked out some nice black leather boots (that I cannot afford to buy right now) to replace the cheap ones I had, a hoodie, and t-shirt, and a bra (which, just in case you were wondering, will not be opened in front of the fam or anything! LOL)

(boots from

I picked out some stuff for my hubby, too, but I'm not telling what it is in case he happens to read this post ;) (He loves surprises and I don't want to ruin it!)

Next, decorations...I found these lights that I want sooo bad!

I want to put a tree outside this year with the star lights or either decorate the camellia bush/tree at the corner of our house with them :) So fun, right?!

I haven't been feeling well lately and all I did yesterday was take down my fall stuff and hang the Christmas wreath on the front door, so I hope to do the rest of the decorating this weekend. (Pics to follow!)

And last, but not least, COOKIES! I for one, happen to love making (and eating) Christmas cookies and Real Simple magazine sent me these 50 cookie recipes...check it out! I hope to try at least 10 of them this season....yummmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. i love the holidays! :DI hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration!

    I am also hosting a giveaway! a one of a kind feather hair accessory, by The Gray Deer ($16 worth/USA Residents only)!
