♥ About

Hi! My name is Stacey. I am 28 years old and have been married to the most wonderful man in the world for 6 years. His name is Jesse. We don't have any kids or pets yet, because shortly after we got married, Jesse announced to me that he felt that he was called to be in full time ministry. So, we moved to Wake Forest, NC so he could go to seminary. Thus, we have been "college kids" for about 5 years now and we are putting off starting a family until after he graduates.

Because he is in school, I am working full time to make ends meet. I work as a buyer at an EMS supplies dealer, but I went to school for Interior Design. Problem is, shortly after I graduated is when the economy started it's downward spiral. But, I am not at all bummed about not working as a Designer right now. I am just so thankful (and so blessed) to have a job!

My full time job doesn't offer me the oppurtunity to express my creative side, so I create on a "part time" basis. This little blog is my "journal" so to speak of my Part Time Creations.

Hope you enjoy!