Happy 2012 Everyone! My hubby and I didn't do anything for New Year's Eve. In fact, I fell asleep at 10:30 on Saturday night. LOL So sad...I'm not even 30 years old yet!
But, because I didn't stay up so late on Saturday night, I was able to do lots and lots of stuff on Sunday! I had a cleaning/organization day of sorts...
First, I organized my coupons and picked out the ones I will need to make my grocery list for this week.
I did SEVERAL loads of laundry.
(Yeah, sorry about the stock photo, my laundry is really not interesting enough to be the object of a photo shoot!)
I got a cheap-y plastic shoebox and made myself a manicure kit (which is what I am the most excited about)! It's the little things, ya know...
And, I got my thank you notes written to my family for the Christmas gifts they gave me (and I made sure to include coupons in their letters that I know I would not use before they expired).
Yesterday, I was superrrrrr lazy and I love love loved it! I got up at 8:30 and had breakfast and coffee with the hubs, then after watching some Monday morning TV, I went back to bed for a long nap.
Now, back to work...Yay me.
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