My hubby and I have an inside joke about going up to someone with a really nice small car, such as a BMW Z4 and saying, "I like your Miada". LOL
Now, I don't know if you think that's funny, but we think it's hilarious.
I sooooo wanted to say that to this person in front of me going 10 MILES below the speed limit THE WHOLE WAY into work this morning. Although, I think it really was a Miada...oh well, if I had a chance to speak with this individual, I could have come up with something else that would have made them as mad as they made me.....
Anyway, also wanted to show you the one and only plant I have in my office, which I bought like two years ago and have almost succeeded in killing.
I like to think of it as "mostly dead"....
(sorry for the Princess Bride reference...I'm in a really random mood, if you couldn't tell.)
Hmm...instead of blogging, maybe I should be looking up gardening tips online???
Anyway, it's really pretty outside today--total contrast with al the rain we had yesterday and to the cold weather we have coming in this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend, my sister, who is a hairdresser, is putting highlights and lowlights in my excited and I cannot wait!!!
Before and after pics to come....
Yeah, I warned you in the title that this post was going to be random :)
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