Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Me A to Z

Facts about me A to Z...I'm such a dork (Bonus fact. You're welcome). I love doing lists like this!

As soon as I get to work in the morning, I make coffee before anyone else has a chance to do it.

Before I start a task, I have to make sure the area I'm working in is neat and clean.

Chances are, I will eat pizza again before the week is done. My hubby and I have been on a huge pizza kick lately!

Dogs. Love them! They're like little people. And I want one! Particularly a Rat Terrier or a Westie ♥

Eggs. Never liked them. Never will. However, I will eat them if I have something to mask the taste.

Frances. This is the name of the only living grandparent I have and I cherish every moment spent with her. I could write a book about this wonderful lady!

Germany is where my maiden name, Kornegay, comes from.

House. I want one. Bad. We plan on trying to buy one next year, hopefully!

I just found out today that I have insulin resistance and have to start taking Metformin.

Jesse is my sweet hubby's name :)

Kelley is our last name.

Love. I am truly in love with my husband. There are no words to describe how wonderful this is.

Money. I have made some mistakes  in the past 10 years, but feel I am growing smarter and more cautious everyday.

Nothing can seperate me from the love of Christ! (Romans 8:35-39)

Oreos and milk are one of my favorite snacks :)

Pregnancy scares me. But, hopefully I will get to experience this at least once in my life...

Questions. I don't know why, but it kind of annoys me when people ask me a lot of questions...not sure why???

Red is one of my favorite colors. I have lots of red in every room in my apartment!

Sarah is my only sister's name. She is 2 years younger than me, but now that we're "grownups" that doesn't really matter...

Tea. Sweet tea. Favorite thing to drink

Uggs. Never had a "real" pair of them, just some cheap knock-offs, but these have GOT to be my favs! So comfy.

Vehicles. I bought the one I have now all by myself. No co-signer. No hubby. First time ever, to God be the glory!

Wonderful is the only way to describe chocolate. I probably eat a little of it everyday.

eXtremely loyal. I try to be the truest bluest friend I possibly can!

Yellow used to be my least fav color, but I'm slowly coming around to it. In fact, I'm wearing a yellow tank today.

Zesty. I like "zesty" foods--or foods with strong flavors. I like my coffee strong, too :)

There you have it. What are some fun facts about you?

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