Hi Readers! Just wanted to let you know I am taking a vacation from blogging as well as creating for a little while...
I just have too much going on, unfortunately! We are in the process of closing out our fiscal year here at work and my little sister's baby boy is due to make his grand appearance anytime now! After I get back with staying with my sister for a few days, our company is going to be getting ready for our Annual Sales Meeting Week in August.
So, I guess I would consider this my summer vacation from my job as Designer and Owner of Part Time Creations. As always, thank you for your continued support and I hope you will join me again in mid-August :)
~Stacey Kelley
Part Time Creations
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
HItting the Road
A) I haven't seen my hubs since Tuesday night and I get to see him again tonight!
B) I love riding alone sometimes so I can blast the radio and A/C to my liking :)
C) hitting Starbucks on the way
and when I arrive at my destination, I am meeting my Sweetie and his mom and step-dad for dinner, which will be somewhere good!!! Also, it will be nice to have company while I am eating dinner since I have eaten alone for the past 3 nights :/
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Posting will resume next week...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tapestry Tuesday
I am secretly in love with needlepoint and jaquard tapestry.Yes, I do mean the thick, scratchy, heavy fabric. I think it has to do with the fact that when I was growing up, my Grandma had a winged back chair covered in this harvest gold velvet with a multi-colored floral tapestry on the seat, arms, and back. I loved that chair!!! In fact, I was so devastated when she got the chair reupholstered. If I would have had any say-so in the matter, I would have asked her could I have the old fabric to make toss pillows out of.
Anyway, that fabric is long gone, but I did find these beauties while browsing etsy today...enjoy!
<-- modern version of my Granny's old chair...love!
Anyway, that fabric is long gone, but I did find these beauties while browsing etsy today...enjoy!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey...
As you know from my last post, my hubs and I celebrated our 6th anniversary yesterday! We had such a sweet day together...
First, we got up around 8:30ish and exchanged cards. I was told several times by Jesse, "do not buy me a gift. We do not have money for you to buy me one." (This is nothing new for us "broke college kids"--don't feel sorry for us, though--we are very blessed!) So, I did not buy him a gift. Instead, I made him a cute little list of things I wanted us to do together :)
He, on the other hand, surprised me with these beautiful earrings that one of my former co-workers made.
Her name is Ginger and her stuff is awesome! Click here to check it out...
After that super sweet display of affection, Jesse was tired and wanted to go back to sleep, so I went to Bruggers to get us some bagels and coffee. By the time I showed back up to the house, he was snoozing, so I enjoyed my delicious breakfast alone. (Ya snooze, ya lose! LOL) Finally, I was able to coax him out of bed and he joined me on the sofa to eat and watch "Gnomeo and Juliet"--so cute!
After that, I wanted to go to the NC Art Museum, but it felt more like nap time, so we headed back to bed.
After a looooonnnnnnggggg nap, it was too late for the museum, so we got up and got ready for him to take me out to eat at Cracker Barrel. Now, this may not seem like much to you, but it is to us because A.) As I mentioned before, we are poor, and B.) it is such a long way for us to drive there so it's a treat for us :)
We had an awesome meal and then headed back home to enjoy this Vegan Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream that I made...
And the ever-crucial Starbucks (soy caramel latte and coffee frapuccino) yummm!!!
The Starbucks was so we could stay up to watch the new Yogi Bear movie...it was cute too!
And after our super fun day together, we went to bed happy...and we didn't do everything on the list but we still had an awesome day together celebrating 6 years of marriage!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Happy 6th Anniversary, Us!!!
Six years ago today, I married the love of my whole life and my very best friend. Happy anniversary, Jess! I love you more than words can express and I cannot imagine my life without you :)
We are off to have a day of funness...details to come in a future post :)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Blue Friday
These pics fit my mood today...It's Friday and my anniversary is tomorrow and I should be the happiest girl in the world....but that's not the case....sighhhh
Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but life can't be sunshine and butterflies all the time and you can't always get what you want--no matter how long you've been wishing for it.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I will put up a more cheerful post...
Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but life can't be sunshine and butterflies all the time and you can't always get what you want--no matter how long you've been wishing for it.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I will put up a more cheerful post...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Need Some Love!
Hey Folks!
If you read my blog, please leave me a comment or two...I need some love!
Also, suggestions and constructive criticism are also welcome :)
Thank you!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Happy Birthday, America!
I hope everyone had a safe, happy, and fun 4th!
I know Jesse and I did :)
For America's B-Day, we did the All-American thing and went to watch America's favorite pastime--baseball...
This is us waiting for the game to start...
Our view from the cheap seats!
We only made it through 3 1/2 innings before it starting raining cats and dogs...(Notice the ominous looking clouds behind the scoreboard!)
So, everyone had to leave the stands and go stand under them in the "concourse" where all the food and souvenir vendors are set up. We didn't get soaked too bad, though because we brought an umbrella :)
They called off the game, but still did the fireworks show once the rain stopped...
All in all, me and my main squeeze had a fun 4th!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
This Weekend = So Far, So Good!
I love July 4th weekend! My hubby and I never travel anywhere because: A) it's too darn crowded at the beaches, and B) people at our places of employment who have more senority than us usually ask off, so we couldn't take a vacay this week even if we wanted to!
Even though we don't ever hit the road for the 4th, we always manage to have lots of fun! For instance, this past Friday, we cruised through the drive-thru at the closest Starbucks for our usual venti soy caramel latte and venti iced coffee with milk and 4 splendas.
Then, we headed to a local discount used bookstore. (Umm it's actually more like a discount book warehouse!) Jesse wanted to go look for some Theological and/or Greek books to add to his ever-growing collection, but he didn't find anything...
I, on the other hand, found 5 books--a dairy free/vegetarian cookbook, three novels, and a book of afgans from 1976! It even has a message someone wrote on the inside to the person they gave the book to. (I think that's mostly why I decided to buy it.)
Today, we got up early and I made breakfast...
After that, we cleaned and cleaned...
Tomorrow, we are going to get up early so we can teach a friend's 3rd grade Sunday School class since he and his wife are going out of town. My front stoop also needs to be changed from it's Spring decor to something a little more summery, so hopefully that's what I have in store for the afternoon.
And for Monday, we are going to watch our local Minor League baseball team, the Carolina Mudcats, play. After the game, they are going to do fireworks for the 4th. So excited! Pics and info to come....
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